Mogu’shan Vaults
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Heart of Fear
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
Terrace of Endless Spring
Current reductions:
10-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man normal: 0% damage/heal/absorb reduction
10-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
25-man heroic: 10% damage/heal/absorb reduction
- October 25th ‒ Domination Point, Lion’s Landing, Dagger in the Dark.
- November 8th ‒ A Little Patience.
- December 19th ‒ Assault on Zan’Vess.
- March 13th ‒ full release.